
Apply and create a company account

Apply and create a company account

Apply for the Highways’ pre-application advice or create a company account.


In this section you find will information on what you need to know before you apply for the Highways’ pre-application advice.

Before you start your application

For your application you will need to

  1. provide the following documents
    • red line/site plan (The application site should be edged clearly with a red line on the location plan. It should include all land necessary to carry out the proposed development (e.g. land required for access to the site from a public highway, visibility splays, landscaping, car parking and open areas around buildings).
    • existing site layout
    • proposed site layout (including details of access where applicable)

  2. depending on the development type, if possible, please also provide the following documents as the more information you provide, the easier and quicker it can become for the highways team to review your application
    • residential extension and accesses (e.g. additional bedroom(s), scale of proposal, new/altered dropped kerb, agricultural/residential access)
      • blue line site document (land within applicants' ownership)
    • small scale residential development (1-6 dwellings)
      • blue line site document (land within applicants' ownership)
      • layout plan showing road/footway/verge widths, visibility splays, refuse vehicle tracking details
      • schedule of house type, bedrooms and number of parking spaces, cycle parking details and any electric vehicle charging facilities
      • available engineering details, ie long sections, drainage provisions
      • transport statement/assessment scoping paper
    • large scale residential development (7+ dwellings)
      • blue line site document (land within applicants' ownership)
      • confirmation of Street Design being utilised
      • layout plan showing road/footway/verge widths, visibility splays, refuse vehicle tracking details
      • schedule of house type, bedrooms and number of parking spaces, cycle parking details and any electric vehicle charging facilities
      • available engineering details, ie long sections, drainage provisions
      • equality impact assessment
      • transport statement/assessment scoping paper
    • commercial development (e.g. retail, education, leisure, industrial)
      • blue line site document (land within applicants' ownership)
      • layout plan showing road/footway/verge widths, visibility splays, refuse vehicle tracking details
      • available engineering details, ie long sections, drainage provisions
      • equality impact assessment
      • justification of car parking provision
      • transport statement/assessment scoping paper
    • care homes
      • blue line site document (land within applicants' ownership)
      • layout plan showing road/footway/verge widths, visibility splays, refuse vehicle tracking details
      • justifications of car parking provision
      • transport statement/assessment scoping paper
    • mixed use (e.g. flat above shop)
      • blue line site document (land within applicants' ownership)
      • confirmation of Street Design being utilised
      • layout plan showing road/footway/verge widths, visibility splays, refuse vehicle tracking details
      • schedule of house type, bedrooms and number of parking spaces, cycle parking details and any electric vehicle charging facilities
      • available engineering details, ie long sections, drainage provisions
      • equality impact assessment
      • justification of car parking provision
      • transport statement/assessment scoping paper

  3. at the end of the application form, payments can be made using your back card or by BACS (please see the About Highways pre-application advice page for information on the fees)
  4. for organisations only: have your login details in hand - if your organisation has already applied for highways pre-application advice, permits or licences etc. via our online systems, your organisation should already have an account, however, if your organisation does not have yet an account, please go to create a company account section

Please note

Apply for the pre-application advice

Create a company account

You need a company account to apply for highways' pre-application advice and edit your company details.

In this section you will find information on what is a company account, the types of users you can set up and what you can do with your account.

Does your organisation already have an account?

If your organisation has already applied for highways' pre-application advice, permits or licences such as road closures, skips etc. via our online systems, your organisation should already have an account which means you can go to the apply section.

Your organisation does not have yet a company account

You only need to create one account for your organisation but each organisation may have many users. You can apply for highways' pre-application advice, traffic management and other highways licences through the same company login.

As part of the company account creation, you will be required to create one company user. This user will automatically be a company administrator.

Company administrators

  • can create additional company users (these can be administrators or ordinary users)
    • the login area of each account gives access to information stored about the company (for example the status of works, payments and public liability insurance and NRSWA licence details)
  • will need to control how many users are set up as access to the login area gives access to a lot of data
  • can change company details (address, company email, telephone number etc)
  • can disable company users (for employees who may have left) - it is important to disable users when they leave your company or move roles
  • can change the password of company users
  • can change details of existing company users

In addition, company administrators are able to do the same actions as company users.

Company users

  • can make any necessary payments for your applications via a secure online payment link
  • can attach any documents in the login which will be available for future use e.g. NRSWA licences, Public Liability insurance documents

About company document administration

This is an area where you can update the Public Liability document and upload a scanned or pdf copy of the document - allows JPEG, PDF etc

Create a company account

Please note: You only need to create one account for your organisation but each organisation may have many users.

Please use a generic/team email address. This email address will be where any correspondence will appear, if it is a generic/team email address you can ensure the email will be picked up by a colleague too.

Once you have a created a company account and set up the necessary users please go to the apply section for important information on what you need to know before you apply for highways' pre-application advice.

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