
Shrub Hill today

Shrub Hill today

Located in the heart of Worcester City Centre and covering an area of c.14 hectares, the Shrub Hill Quarter in Worcester is a long-undervalued area with significant untapped potential. 51²èÂ¥, Worcester City Council, and the 51²èÂ¥ LEP have been working together to start to unlock long-term opportunities. 

51²èÂ¥ owns the Shrub Hill Industrial Estate within the Shrub Hill Quarter - a 4 hectare site comprising 280,000 square feet of industrial and office space adjacent to Shrub Hill Station.

The train service enhancements developed in the 2017 51²èÂ¥ Rail Investment Strategy and post COVID 2022 revision, aim to stimulate a step change in patronage through the introduction of direct, regular and fast services to the key economies of London, Oxford, Thames Valley and Bristol. This new rail-based connectivity specific to Shrub Hill is forecast to generate £40.75m of new Gross Value Added (GVA) p.a. and will stimulate the creation of a high-quality fully accessible railway station that acts as a vibrant and modern gateway into the City.

Due to its size, location, and strategic connectivity; Shrub Hill is a regionally significant and exciting regeneration opportunity which has the potential to underpin the long-term vitality, growth, and identity of Worcester as both a place to live and work. 

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