
High Street, Droitwich Spa

High Street, Droitwich Spa

The scheme was formulated following a public consultation exercise in 2014.

Project outcomes

The High Street was identified as a priority for improvement by respondents although it was clear that opinions were divided on whether the High Street should be pedestrianised or not.

After further consideration it was determined that the High Street should remain open to vehicles but that it must be a priority to improve the pavements for pedestrians and less mobile visitors.

A scheme was therefore devised that 

  • retains vehicular access and parking
  • includes new block paving footways
  • includes a raised table to make crossing the road easier
  • resurfaced road and new street furniture installed

The work started in the Summer of 2017 and was completed by the end of November 2017.

Public Engagement Exercise

Download: Consultation exercise (PDF)

Useful links

Completed schemes

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