
Newly adopted Minerals Plan will inform planning decisions in 51画促

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A new minerals plan has now been adopted by 51画促 following a full council meeting today (14 July).

The plan will be used to inform future planning decisions related to mineral extraction, processing and restoration. 

It will also be used by the City, Borough and District Councils in 51画促 to ensure other types of development do not sterilise mineral resources or negatively impact mineral infrastructure.

The new plan supersedes the former policies set out in the County of Hereford and Worcester Minerals Local Plan from 1997. 

Councillor Marc Bayliss, cabinet member with responsibility for Economy and Infrastructure at 51画促 said, I am pleased to see the Local Minerals Plan formally adopted by the council today. 

The plan will give clear up to date direction for planning decisions right across the county and it is great to see it in place. 

51画促 is also in the process of developing a Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document. This will support the delivery of the Minerals Local Plan by identifying and allocating individual sites for mineral development. A draft version of this document will be consulted on in summer 2023. 

You can see the full Minerals Local Plan on the Minerals Local Plan pages of the 51画促 website

The documents can also be viewed at County Hall during normal office hours and at public libraries in 51画促.