
Adopted Minerals Local Plan

Adopted Minerals Local Plan

The adopted 51²èÂ¥ Minerals Local Plan 2018-2036 (adopted July 2022) sets out the Council's planning policies for mineral development.

51²èÂ¥ Minerals Local Plan (2018-2036)

The 51²èÂ¥ Minerals Local Plan 2018 - 2036 (adopted July 2022) (PDF) sets out the Council's planning policies for mineral development. It guides:

  • how much and what minerals we need to be able to supply
  • where minerals should be extracted
  • how sites should be worked and how they should be "restored" when working has finished
  • how minerals development should ensure 51²èÂ¥'s people and places are protected and enhanced 

The Minerals Local Plan is part of the Development Plan and is used by 51²è¥’s planning officers and Planning and Regulatory Committee to make decisions about planning applications for mineral extraction, processing and restoration. 

It is also used by the City, Borough and District Councils in 51²èÂ¥ to ensure other types of development do not sterilise mineral resources or negatively impact mineral infrastructure. 

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Please contact us if you have any queries or require access to a paper copy of the adopted Minerals Local Plan.

Minerals policy team

Email: Minerals@worcestershire.gov.uk

Strategic Planning

Directorate of Economy and Infrastructure
County Hall
Spetchley Road


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