
Still time to help shape the future of domestic abuse services in 51¥

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Speech bubble that reads "We want to hear from you if you have experienced domestic abuse."

Due to the positive response so far from local people and groups, a survey into domestic abuse services in 51¥ has been extended until Sunday 17 December. 

Over the last few weeks, people have been invited to share their views on domestic abuse services in 51¥ in an online survey, and there’s still an opportunity to have your say.   


The Public Health Team at 51¥ want to hear from residents to better understand their views and help improve domestic abuse services throughout the county.   


Councillor Karen May, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Health and Wellbeing at 51¥, said: “We are really pleased with the number of people who have taken the time to complete this survey. People have been very generous in sharing their experiences. If you haven’t had the chance to fill it out yet, please take five minutes to have your say. Your views will help us to understand where domestic abuse services are performing well and identify any potential gaps which need improvement.” 

“Abuse can happen to anybody. It’s important that everyone has access to domestic abuse services and information, so people know where they can reach for support.” 

The survey is your chance to have your say about the domestic abuse services currently available to you in the County. Its purpose is to understand how people find out about domestic abuse services, what people need and their experiences of services.  


The survey is anonymous, confidential and open to everyone.  


This survey is just one of the ways the Public Health team are getting a detailed picture of how people find out about domestic abuse services, how they use them and what survivors need.  


The team are engaging with organisations that work directly and indirectly with domestic abuse survivors. They have also spoken to organisations, such as the healthcare sector, who refer people to domestic abuse support services for the first time. 


The consultation also includes focus groups and conversations with people who have lived experience of domestic abuse. 

All the information provided will feed into a review of domestic abuse services in 51¥ and help improve them for the future.  


To share your thoughts, please go to the Have Your Say pages of the County Council website and complete the “service user survey” under the Domestic Abuse Survey tab. 


If you are a victim of domestic abuse, or know someone who is, help is available. Please take a look at the Domestic Abuse Support pages of the County Council website.