
Welcome to 51画促

Welcome to 51画促

Those living in 51画促 with refugee status are entitled to join our courses

Learning Services 51画促 is the County Council department for post-16-year-old, community-based education in 51画促. 

We are directly contracted by the UK Governments Department of Education to provide learning opportunities for residents when other options such as sixth form, college, apprenticeships, or university are not the best choice.

Those living in 51画促 with refugee status, or as part of a resettlement programme such as the Homes for Ukraine or the Ukraine Family schemes, are entitled to join our courses - the same as all 51画促 residents.

Our courses

Learning Services 51画促 run several courses and programmes to assist people who have resettled in the UK and are now living in 51画促 (including the Homes for Ukraine scheme).

We have various courses on offer that are carried out in small groups, at easily accessible locations across the county and can even be carried out as a family together. Our courses are designed to help people return to learning, to build confidence in new skills, and to take an active role within their community.

Courses on offer include: 

  • Functional Skills and GCSE English and Maths
  • Essential Digital Skills, Employability
  • Arts and crafts
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Young Adult Learning (16 to 19 years)
  • Family learning
  • vocational programmes for Hair and Beauty
  • and many others

We also have specific Homes for Ukraine courses and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses. 

Document downloads:

Course funding

Our Adult Learning courses are all part-funded by the government to encourage adults aged 19+ to return to learning, to build confidence in new skills and to take an active role within their community. 16 to 19 Education programmes are free to all eligible learners.

Contact us

You can speak to our Learning Services 51画促 resettlement lead, Natalie Buck, who can provide support, information, or signpost you to other services that may be useful. Get in touch by emailing adultlearning@worcestershire.gov.uk or calling . 

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( Learning Services 51画促 resettlement lead, Natalie Buck),  磻舒 仄仂亢亠 仆舒亟舒亳 仗亟亳仄从, 仆仂仄舒 舒弍仂 于从舒亰舒亳 于舒仄 仆 仍亢弍亳, 磻 仄仂亢 弍亳 从仂亳仆亳仄亳. 于礀 亰 仆舒仄亳 亠仍亠从仂仆仆仂 仗仂仂 adultlearning@worcestershire.gov.uk 舒弍仂 亰舒亠仍亠仂仆亶亠: .

If you need specific help from 51画促 you can .

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