
Officer Executive Decision Making

Officer Executive Decision Making

These are significant decisions which affect the public or a locality in 51²èÂ¥ (rather than individuals) which the public would reasonably expect to be recorded and published.

Examples which could follow new Regulations:

  • significant changes in service delivery to the public or a section of it (falling within existing agreed policy)
  • decisions directly delegated by Cabinet other than mere operational implementation
  • change of use or disposal of buildings currently used by public
  • significant decisions which affect a locality, community or the public in general (but which do not significantly alter existing agreed policy)

Examples already publicised where new Regulations do not need to apply:

  •  procurement decisions in excess of £50k (recorded as now on website)
  •  road traffic regulation decisions (if not taken by CMR Cabinet Member with Responsibility)

Record of Officer Executive Decisions 2020

Accommodation to house hospital discharge patients 25 March 2020 (PDF)

Additional payments to commissioned providers of adult social care 1 April 2020 (PDF)

Allocation of DfT COVID-19 Bus Services Support Grant 23 April 2020 (PDF)

Care home support plan 29 May 2020 (PDF)

Cessation of Adult Social Care Decisions 6 August 2020 (PDF)

Cessation of Adult Social Care Decisions 6 August 2020 - Appendix: Provider additional payments (PDF)

Cessation of Adult Social Care Decisions 6 August 2020 - Appendix: Domiciliary care block contract (PDF)

Children’s services – record of additional expenditure as part of the Council’s response to the COVID-19 virus (PDF)

COVID-19 Emergency Service Delivery for Social Care Safeguarding Services 6 April 2020 (PDF)

Appendix 1 - COVID-19 Emergency Service Delivery for Social Care Safeguarding Services 6 April 2020 51²èÂ¥ Children First COVID-19 Service Delivery Protocol (PDF)

Churchfields Highway scheme 20 February 2020 (PDF)

Extension of the hours and role of the Adult Services Access Centre 24 March 2020 (PDF)

Food support 2 April 2020 (PDF)

Here2Help 27 March 2020 (PDF)

Offer of rental support for County Council tenants 24 April 2020 (PDF)

Personal Protective Equipment and Hand Sanitiser 19 March 2020 (PDF)

Pre purchase of care home beds for older people 25 March 2020 (PDF)

Purchasing care above care and support plans 19 March 2020 (PDF)

Purchase of Domiciliary care 20 April 2020 (PDF)

Severn Arts Loan Repayments 1 July 2020 (PDF)

The transfer of Children’s Community Health services from the Council to the Herefordshire and 51²èÂ¥ Clinical Commissioner Group (H&W CCG) with effect from 1 April 2020 to 24 January 2020 (PDF)

Transfer of Learning and Achievement Services from Babcock Training Ltd to 51²èÂ¥ Children's First 13 February 2020 (PDF)

Broadband LBP Community Funding June 2020 (PDF)

Officer decision Voucher Top Up scheme August 2020 (PDF)

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