
Cabinet Member Decisions and Reports

Cabinet Member Decisions and Reports

Individual Cabinet Members with Responsibility (CMRs) are authorised to take Executive decisions, as specifically delegated by Cabinet. These decisions must be made in line with the overall policies, priorities and budget set by full Council.

Reports and Decision Notices

Reports will be published as far as practicable at least 5 working days before the anticipated date of decision and a decision notice published within 3 working days of the decision.


Cabinet Member with Responsibility Expected date of Decision Report Decision Notice
Education 17 September 2024

CMR Report Hagley Primary Change of Age Range (PDF)

Education 22 August 2024

Abbey Park COAR Decision Report (PDF)

Decision Notice Abbey Park COAR (PDF)
Education 19 August 2024

CMR Report Code of Conduct School Attendance (PDF)

Code of Conduct School Attendance Decision notice (PDF)
Education 9 August 2024

Grove COAR Decision Report (PDF)

Grove COAR Decision Notice (PDF)
Corporate Services and Communications 31 July 2024

CMR Report Newland Depot (PDF)

Newland Depot Decision Notice (PDF)
Corporate Services and Communications 10 July 2024

CMR Report WCSS Planning (PDF)

WCSS Decision Notice (PDF)
Communities 13 June 2024

Severn Arts Loan Configuration (PDF)

Decision Severn Arts (PDF)
Education 31 May 2024

The Grove Change of Age Range (PDF)

The Grove COAR Decision notice (PDF)
Economy, Infrastructure and Skills 15 April 2024

Transfer of LEP Functions to the Council April 2024 (PDF)

Transfer of LEP Decision Notice (PDF)
Education 26 March 2024

Foxlydiate Academy Specification Final (PDF)

Foxlydiate CMR Decision Notice (PDF)
Education 27 February 2024

School admissions (PDF)

Decision Notice for School Admissions (PDF)



Cabinet Member with Responsibility Expected date of Decision Report Decision Notice
Corporate Services and Communication 21 December 2023
Education 30 August 2023

Approval to increase the number of pupils at Fort Royal Special School, Rigby Hall Special School and Wyre Forest Special School for September 2023 report (PDF)

Education 1 August 2023

FINAL CMR Decision Report - The Beacon Kidderminster (PDF)

Appendix 2 - Delegation of authority given by the Leader on 18 July 2023 (PDF)

Education 30 June 2023

Decision for Approval of Public Notices on the Proposal to Change the Number of Pupils at Local Authority Maintained Special Schools and Commencement of the Representation Stage (PDF)

Education 6 June 2023

CMR Approval for Public Notice of the proposal to close the Kidderminster base of the Beacon Primary Pupil Referral Unit and commencement of the representation stage (PDF)

  6 April 2023

Approval for the Investment to Complete Fire Safety Works at Howbury House Residential Care Home (PDF)

Communities 7 March 2023

CMR Report Investment into Libraries in Worcester City

Education 16 February 2023

School Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for 2024 to 2025 Co-ordinated Admission Schemes 2024/25 and Published Admission Number Changes for 2024 to 2025 (PDF)


Cabinet Member with Responsibility Expected date of Decision Report Decision Notice
Children and Families 18 November 2022

CMR Report Proposed closure of the Riddings children's home (PDF)

Appendix 1 - WCF Sufficiency Strategy 2021 to 2023 (PDF)

Appendix 2 - 51²èÂ¥ Children First Business Plan (PDF)

Appendix 3 - JIA Project Screening Proposed closure of the Riddings Children's Home (PDF)

Appendix 4 - Annual Overview Report (PDF)

CMR Decision Notice proposed closure of Bricklehampton (the Riddings) (PDF)
Children and Families 7 July 2022

CMR Report relocation of Kidderminster based Supervised Family Time service (PDF)

Appendix 1 - Radford Avenue Consultation Document (PDF)

Appendix 2 - Combined online and paper consultation results (PDF)

Appendix 3 - Project Screening Proposed relocation of WCF services (PDF)

CMR Decision Notice Relocation of Kidderminster based Supervised Family Time service (PDF)
Education 17 June 2022

Crown Meadow School CMR Decision Report Final (PDF)

Report final Appendix 1 JIA Screening (PDF)

CMR Decision Noice - Crown Meadow (PDF)
Corporate Services and Communication 9 June 2022 WME Joint Committee Methodology Change Report (PDF) CMR Decision Notice WME Joint Committee (PDF)
Education 9 May 2022

Chawson Community First School Report (PDF)

Appendix 1 CMR Decision on Public Notice (PDF)

Appendix 2 Delegated Authority (PDF)

Appendix 3 JIA Screening (PDF)

Decision Notice for Chawson Community First School (PDF)
Education 18 March 2022

CMR Report Chawson Community School (PDF)

Appendix 1 Consultation responses and Governors responses (PDF)

Appendix 2 Joint Impact Assessment Screening (PDF)

CMR Decision Notice for publishing 18 March 2022
Education 1 March 2022

CMR Report March 2022 Academy Specification (PDF)

Appendix A Worcester City Secondary School Specification (PDF)

Decision Notice: Education 2022 (PDF)
Education 17 February 2022

CMR Report February 2022 School Admissions V2 (PDF)

Appendix 1a Admission Policy 2023 CO VC First-Primary Schools (PDF)

Appendix 1b Admission Policy 2023 CO VC Middle-Secondary Schools (PDF)

Appendix 2a Coordinated Scheme Primary Middle Schools 2023 (PDF)

Appendix 2b Coordinated Scheme Secondary Schools 2023 (PDF)

Appendix 3 PAN 2023 (PDF)

Appendix 3 Published Admission Numbers Community Voluntary Controlled Schools (PDF)

Appendix 4 A letter for Consultation on Admission Arrangements 2023-2024 (PDF)

Decision Notice: Admissions 2022 (PDF)


Cabinet Member with Responsibility Expected date of Decision Report Decision Notice
Adult Social Care 13 December 2021

CMR Report - Review of Day Opportunities for Adults with Learning Disabilities (PDF)

Appendix 1 - Online Survey Analysis - Day Opportunities for Adults with Learning Disabilities (PDF)

Appendix 2 - About me survey - Adults with Learning Disabilities (PDF)

Appendix 3 - Day Opportunities for Adults with Learning Disabilities Feedback from face to face sessions (PDF)

Appendix 4 - Day Opportunities for Adults with Learning Disabilities FAQs (PDF)

Appendix 5 Environmental Sustainability Full Impact Day Opportunities Review (PDF)

Appendix 5 Equality Public Health Full Day Opportunities Review (PDF)

Appendix 5 Data Protection Full Day Opportunities Review (PDF)

Decision Notice: CMR Decision Day Services (PDF)
Children and Families 26 November 2021

CMR Report Financial Assistance for Care Leavers and SGO Financial Support (PDF)

Appendix 1 Financial Assistance for Care Leavers (PDF)

Appendix 2 Special Guardianship Order Financial Support (PDF)

Appendix 4 Kinship Strategy Cabinet report 2012 (PDF)

Appendix 5 Family and Friends Care 2011 (PDF)

Appendix 6 JIA screening Financial Assistance to Care Leavers (PDF)

Appendix 10 Full Equality Public Health Special Guardianship Carers Finance Policy (PDF)

Decision Notice: Financial Assistance for Care Leavers and SGO Financial Support (PDF)
Highways 6 September 2021

West Midlands Rail Limited Adoption of new Collaboration Agreement with Department for Transport (PDF)

Appendix A Collaboration agreement (PDF)

Appendix B CMR Decision Report (PDF)

Decision Notice: West Midlands Rail Limited Adoption of new Collaboration Agreement with Department for Transport (PDF)
Education 3 August 2021

Report - Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for 2021/22 and 2022/23, Coordinated Admission Schemes 2021/22 pand 2022/23 and Fair Access Protocol for 51²èÂ¥ Schools (PDF)

Appendix 1a Admission Policy 2021 Primary (PDF)

Appendix 1b Admission Policy 2021 Secondary (PDF)

Appendix 1c Admission Policy 2022 Primary (PDF)

Appendix 1d Admission Policy 2022 Secondary (PDF)

Appendix 2a Coordinated Scheme Primary and Middle Schools 2022 (PDF)

Appendix 2b Coordinated Scheme Secondary 2022 (PDF)

Appendix 2c Coordinated Scheme In-Year 2021 (PDF)

Appendix 2d Coordinated Scheme In-Year 2022 (PDF)

Appendix 3 Fair Access Protocol for 51²èÂ¥ Schools (PDF)

Decision Notice - Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for 2021/22 and 2022/23, Co-ordinated Admission Schemes 2021/22 and 2022/23 and Fair Access Protocol for 51²èÂ¥ Schools (PDF)
Education 3 August 2021

Report - The Proposed Delivery Model for Medical Education Provision in 51²èÂ¥ (PDF)

Appendix 1 - Full response to MET cons May to July 21 (PDF)

Decision Notice - The Proposed Delivery Model for Medical Education Provision in 51²èÂ¥ (PDF)
Education 28 May 2021

Report - Approval for Public Notice of The Proposal to Change The Age Range of Offmore Primary School (PDF)

Appendix 1 - Publication of Statutory Proposals for Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools (PDF)

Appendix 2 Project screening - Change of age range at Offmore Primary School (PDF)

Decision Notice - Approval for Public Notice of The Proposal to Change The Age Range of Offmore Primary School (PDF)
Education 28 May 2021

Report - Approval for Public Notice of The Proposal to Establish A Mainstream Autism Base at Chaddesley Corbett Endowed Primary School (PDF)

Appendix 1 - Publication of Statutory Proposals for Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools (PDF)

Appendix 2 - Project screening - Establishment of a Mainstream Autism Base at Chaddesley Corbett Endowed Primary School (PDF)

Appendix 3 - Equality and Public Health Full Impact Assessment - Establishment of a Mainstream Autism Base at Chaddesley Corbett Endowed Primary School(PDF)

Appendix 4 - Environmental Sustainability Full Impact Assessment - Establishment of a Mainstream Autism Base at Chaddesley Corbett Endowed Primary School (PDF)

Decision Notice - Approval for Public Notice of The Proposal to Establish A Mainstream Autism Base at Chaddesley Corbett Endowed Primary School (PDF)
Education 28 May 2021

Report - Approval for Public Notice of The Proposal to Increase Places at Wyre Forest School (PDF)

Appendix 1 - Publication of Statutory Proposals for Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools (PDF)

Appendix 2 - Equality and Public Health Full Impact Assessment - Increase Special School Places at Wyre Forest School (PDF)

Appendix 3 - Environmental Sustainability Full Impact Assessment - Increase Special School Places at Wyre Forest School  (PDF)

Decision Notice - Approval for Public Notice of the Increase in Special School Places at Wyre Forest School (PDF)
Economy and Infrastructure 4 January 2021

Report - Proposed Changes to the Governance of West Midlands Rail Executive

Appendix A  - Summary of Governance Options 
Appendix B  - Proposed Amendments to the WMRE Articles

Appendix C  - Joint Impact Screening Report

Decision Notice - Governance of West Midlands Rail Limited


Cabinet Member with Responsibility Expected date of Decision Report Decision Notice
Highways 4 September 2020

Report - Civil enforcement of Lowesmoor bus lane in Worcester - 4 September 2020

Appendix 1 - Joint impact assessment report - Civil enforcement of Lowesmoor bus lane in Worcester

Appendix 2 - Bus Lane Appeals Configuration Reference Guide - Civil enforcement of Lowesmoor bus lane in Worcester

Appendix 3 - Introduction to PATROL 2020-21 - Civil enforcement of Lowesmoor bus lane in Worcester

Appendix 4 - Legislation and Certification - Civil enforcement of Lowesmoor bus lane in Worcester

Decision Notice – Bus Lane Enforcement, Lowesmoor
Economy and Infrastructure 31 August 2020 Report - 51²èÂ¥ 5G – pathway to sustainability and 5G create applications Decision notice - 51²èÂ¥ 5G – pathway to sustainability and 5G create applications
Education and Skills 29 April 2020

Report - Proposed Changes to the Capping Arrangements for Special Schools

Appendix 1 - Issues raised by special schools on funding matters

Decision Notice - Proposed Changes to the Capping Arrangements for Special Schools
Education and Skills 8 April 2020

Report - Approval of Change of Age Range of Flyford Flavell First School

Appendix 1 - Record of Member Delegated Decision - Approval of Change of Age Range of Flyford Flavell First School

Appendix 2 - Joint impact assessment report - Approval of Change of Age Range of Flyford Flavell First School

Decision Notice - Approval of Change of Age Range of Flyford Flavell First School
Education and Skills 8 April 2020

Report - Approval for the Public Notice of the Proposal to change the age range of Bewdley Primary School

Appendix 1 - Joint impact assessment report - Change the Age Range of Bewdley Primary School

Decision Notice - Approval for the Public Notice of the Proposal to change the age range of Bewdley Primary School
Education and Skills 5 March 2020

Report - Proposed Changes to the Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) for the funding of free entitlement for 2, 3, and 4 year olds

Appendix 1 - Fair Funding Consultation Spring Term 2020

Appendix 2 - Fair Funding Consultation Spring Term 2020

Decision Notice - Proposed Changes to the Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) for the funding of free entitlement for 2, 3, and 4 year olds
Education and Skills 27 February 2020

Report - Approval for Public Notice of the Proposal to Change the Age Range of Flyford Flavell First School

Appendix 1 - Joint impact assessment screening report - Flyford Flavell Change of Age Range

Decision Notice - Approval for Public Notice of the Proposal to Change the Age Range of Flyford Flavell First School


Cabinet Member with Responsibility Expected date of Decision Report Decision Notice
Health and Wellbeing 31 December 2019 Decision to award the contract for an Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service for Adults and Young People Decision Notice – to award contract for an Integrated Drug and Alcohol service for Adults and Young People
Health and Wellbeing 13 September 2019

Commissioning an Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service for Adults and Young People

Background papers:

2017 Drug Strategy

Agenda Health and Well-Being Board 22 May 2018

The Reducing Harm From Alcohol At All Ages Plan 2016 - 2021

Decision Notice - Commissioning an Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service for Adults and Young People
Children, Families and Communities 30 August 2019 Children's Supported Board and Lodgings - Rivendell Cabinet Member Decision Notice - Children's Supported Board and Lodgings - Rivendell
Health and Wellbeing 29 July 2019 Lifestyle and Behaviour Change Contract  Decision Notice - Lifestyle and Behaviour Change Contract
Education and Skills 15 July 2019

51²èÂ¥ Education Developer Contribution Policy July 2019


Appendix A Consultation Response Summary Anonymised 2019

Appendix B 51²èÂ¥ Education Planning Obligations

Appendix C Minor Amendments to the document

Appendix D Equality Impact Screening Assessment

Decision Notice - Education Developers Contributions
Education and Skills 8 March 2019

Education Developer Contributions Policy – Re-Consultation


A - Consultation Response Summary

B - DRAFT 51²èÂ¥ Education Planning Obligations 2019

C - Educ Plan S106 CIL Agenda Report 13 Dec 2018

D - Cabinet Decision Notice 13 Dec 2018

E - Potential impact on financial requirements from new developments

F - Equality Impact Screening Assessment

Decision Notice - Education Developer Contributions Policy – Re-Consultation
Economy and Infrastructure 7 March 2019 51²èÂ¥ 5g Consortium – Extension Decision Notice - 51²èÂ¥ 5g Consortium – Extension
Education and Skills 12 February 2019

School Place Planning (Bromsgrove Area) – Fairfield First School


A - School Place Planning (Bromsgrove Area) – Fairfield First School

B - School Place Planning (Bromsgrove Area) – Fairfield First School

C - School Place Planning (Bromsgrove Area) – Fairfield First School

D - School Place Planning (Bromsgrove Area) – Fairfield First School

Decision Notice - School Place Planning (Bromsgrove Area) – Fairfield First School


Cabinet Member with Responsibility Expected date of Decision Report Decision Notice
Children's Families and Communities 12 December 2018 Residential Children's Homes

Decision notice - Residential Children's Homes

Appendix: Equality Impact Assessment for Children's Homes Decision Notice

Communities 21 November 2018

Proposal to Introduce Parking Charges at Worcester Woods Country Park

Proposal to Introduce Parking Charges at Worcester Woods Country Park - Appendix A

Decision notice - Parking charges at Worcester Woods County Park

Second decision notice 25 January 2019: decision rescinded - Parking charges at Worcester Woods County Park

Education and Skills 22 October 2018

School Place Planning (Bromsgrove Area) – Fairfield First School


Decision Notice - School Place Planning (Bromsgrove Area) – Fairfield First School
Children, Families and Communities 8 October 2018

Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) Written Statement of Action Amendments


Decision notice - Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) Written Statement of Action Amendments
Communities 31 August 2018

School Crossing Patrol Final Report

Appendix 1 - School Crossing Patrol Policy for Publishing

Decision notice -  Updated School Crossing Patrol Policy
Education and Skills 9 August 2018

Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND) Written Statement of Action 


Decision notice - Joint Local Area Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Inspection - Local Area Action Plan

51²èÂ¥ Local Area SEND Action Plan

Education and Skills 5 June 2018

Special Schools Proposals


Decision notice - Special Schools Proposals
Adult Social Care 22 May 2018

Specialised Housing – capital funding for a Supported Living Scheme for people with Profound and Multiple Disabilities at Ledwych Road, Droitwich (the Old Kingfields Day Centre site)

Background paper: Having a Place to Live - 51²è¥’s Supported Living Strategy 2017/18 – 2019/20

Appendix 1: Kingfields Business Case

Decision notice - Specialised Housing – capital funding for a Supported Living Scheme for 12 people with Profound and Multiple learning disabilities at Ledwych Road, Droitwich
Education and Skills 26 April 2018

School Place Planning (Bromsgrove Area) – Fairfield First School, Dodford First School, Hanbury Ce First School and St Andrews Ce First School (Barnt Green)


Decision notice - School Place Planning (Bromsgrove Area) – Fairfield First School and Hanbury CE First School
Economy and Infrastructure 9 March 2018

Acquisition of Land for the A4440 Worcester Southern Link Road


Decision notice: Acquisition of Land for A4440 Worcester Southern Link Road
Education and Skills 13 February 2018

School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, Academic Year 2019/20


Decision notice: School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, Academic Year 2019/20
Children, Families and Communities 1 February 2018 Variation of Early Help Commissioned Services Contracts (Parenting and Family Support) Decision notice - Variation of Early Help Commissioned Services Contracts (Parenting and Family Support)


Cabinet Member with Responsibility Expected date of Decision Report Decision Notice
Adult Social Care 12 December 2017 Request to Commit Funding for New Technologies in Care – Howbury House  Decision notice - Request to Commit Funding for new Technologies in Care – Howbury House
Education and Skills 13 November 2017 Statutory Proposals to Change the Age Range of Evesham Nursery School Decision notice - Statutory Proposals to Change the Age Range of Evesham Nursery School
Transformation and Commissioning 9 October 2017

Notice letter of urgent decision about ICT support for the Council

ICT Support for the Council

Decision notice - ICT Support for the Council
Communities 8 September 2017

Severn Arts (51²èÂ¥ Youth Music) – potential establishment as a Charitable Company Limited by guarantee

Severn Arts (51²èÂ¥ Youth Music) – potential establishment as a Charitable Company Limited by guarantee - Severn Arts Business Plan 2017-21

Severn Arts (51²èÂ¥ Youth Music) – potential establishment as a Charitable Company Limited by guarantee - Background Paper: Future Governance of 51²èÂ¥ Youth Music

Severn Arts (51²èÂ¥ Youth Music) – potential establishment as a Charitable Company Limited by guarantee - Background Paper: Future - Governance of 51²èÂ¥ Youth Music - Appendix 1

Decision notice: Severn Arts (51²èÂ¥ Youth Music) – potential establishment as a Charitable Company Limited by guarantee
Adult Social Care 20 July 2017

Specialised Housing – capital funding for a Supported Living Scheme for people with complex autism at Upper Ford Lodge, near Droitwich

Specialised Housing – capital funding for a Supported Living Scheme for people with complex autism at Upper Ford Lodge, near Droitwich - Appendix 1

Decision notice: Specialised Housing for People with Learning and Physical Disabilities – Capital Funding – Upper Ford Lodge cluster flats for people with complex autism
Adult Social Care 4 May 2017

Specialised Housing for Older People and People with Learning and Physical Disabilities – Capital Funding – Cherry Orchard Scheme, Pershore

Specialised Housing for Older People and People with Learning and Physical Disabilities – Capital Funding – Cherry Orchard Scheme, Pershore - Appendix 1

Specialised Housing for Older People and People with Learning and Physical Disabilities – Capital Funding – Cherry Orchard Scheme, Pershore - Appendix 2

Decision notice - Specialised Housing for Older People and People with Learning and Physical Disabilities – Capital Funding – Cherry Orchard Scheme, Pershore
Health and Well-being 24 March 2017 Proposed Changes to Ownership/Control and Governance of Healthwatch Decision notice - Changes to Ownership/Control and Governance of Healthwatch
Children and Families 15 March 2017

A Urgent Decision Letter: To Approve the Early Years Single Funding Formula and Early Years Provider Rates For 2017/2018

Fair Funding Consultation – Proposals for a New Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) for the Funding of the Free Entitlement for 2, 3 And 4 Year Olds

Fair Funding Consultation – Proposals for a New Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) for the Funding of the Free Entitlement for 2, 3 And 4 Year Olds - Appendix 1

Fair Funding Consultation – Proposals for a New Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) for the Funding of the Free Entitlement for 2, 3 And 4 Year Olds - Appendix 2

Fair Funding Consultation – Proposals for a New Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) for the Funding of the Free Entitlement for 2, 3 And 4 Year Olds - Appendix 3

Fair Funding Consultation – Proposals for a New Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) for the Funding of the Free Entitlement for 2, 3 And 4 Year Olds - Appendix 4

Decision notice - Fair Funding Consultation – Proposals for a New Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) for the Funding of the Free Entitlement for 2, 3 And 4 Year Olds
Economy and Infrastructure 13 March 2017

West Midlands Rail Ltd – Change to the Draft Collaboration Agreement with the Department for Transport

West Midlands Rail Ltd – Change to the Draft Collaboration Agreement with the Department for Transport - Appendix A

Decision Notice: West Midlands Rail Ltd – Change to the Draft Collaboration Agreement with the Department for Transport
Children, Families and Communities 10 March 2017 Adoption Regionalisation Delivery Model and Development of Detailed Business Case Decision Notice: Adoption Regionalisation Delivery Model and Development of Detailed Business Case
Children, Families and Communities 20 January 2017

School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, Academic Year 2018/19


Appendix 1a

Appendix 1b

Appendix 2a

Appendix 2b


Decision Notice - Approval of the School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools 2018/19 and the Co-ordinated Admission Schemes 2018/19
Children, Families and Communities 13 January 2017  Expansion Supporting Information Decision Notice - 2017-18 School Place Planning – Red Hill CE Primary School


Cabinet Member with Responsibility Expected date of Decision Report Decision Notice
Children, Families and Communities 9 December 2016

Statutory Proposals To Open Early Years Specialist Language Provision In Bromsgrove And Wyre Forest Delivered By Batchley First School

Appendix - EYSLp funding

Statutory Proposals to open Early Years Specialist Language Provision in Bromsgrove and Wyre Forest delivered by Batchley First School
Families and Communities 13 September 2016 

Optimising the Use of Children's Centre Buildings in the Context of Effective Prevention Services for Children and Young People

Appendix 1:

Bromsgrove Consultation

Bromsgrove EIA

Malvern Hills Consultation

Malvern Hills EIA

Redditch Consultation

Redditch EIA

Worcester City Consultation

Worcester City EIA

Wychavon Consultation

Wychavon EIA

Wyre Forest Consultation

Wyre Forest EIA

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 3 Attachment 1

Appendix 3 Attachment 2

Appendix 7

Decision Notice - Optimising the Use of Children's Centre Buildings in the Context of Effective Prevention Services for Children and Young People
Children and Families  12 September 2016 Final Decision to Open Early Years Specialist Language Provision At Batchley First School Decision Notice - Final Decision to Open Early Years Specialist Language Provision At Batchley First School
Children and Families 22 August 2015 Formal proposal to cease delivery of a dedicated portage service in 51²èÂ¥ Decision Notice - Formal decision to cease delivery of a dedicated portage service in 51²èÂ¥
Health and Well-Being  11 July 2016

Sexual Health Services Tender

Sexual Health Service Equality Impact Assessment

Integrated Sexual Health Service Tender – Exclusion Criteria Recommendations

Integrated Sexual Health Service Tendering Process

51²èÂ¥ Health and Social Care Sexual Health Needs Assessment August 2015 

Decision Notice - Sexual Health Services Tender
Children and Families 17 June 2016  Statutory Proposals to Open Early Years Specialist Language Provision at Batchley First School Decision Notice - Statutory Proposals to open Early Years Specialist Language Provision at Batchley First School
Children and Families  23 May 2016 

2017-18 School Place Planning - Red Hill Ce Primary School

Appendix 1 - 2017-18 School Place Planning - Red Hill Ce Primary School

Appendix 2 - 2017-18 School Place Planning - Red Hill Ce Primary School

Decision Notice - 2017-18 School Place Planning - Red Hill Ce Primary School Cabinet Member Decisions
Children and Families 24 February 2016

School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, Academic Year 2017/18

Appendix 1a - School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, Academic Year 2017/18

Appendix 1b - School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, Academic Year 2017/18

Appendix 2a - School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, Academic Year 2017/18

Appendix 2b -School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, Academic Year 2017/18

Decision Notice - School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, Academic Year 2017/18
Health and Well-being 15 January 2016

Stop Smoking Services

Background Papers - Stop Smoking Services


Decision Notice - Stop Smoking Services


Cabinet Member with Responsibility Expected date of Decision Report Decision Notice
Health and Well-being 20 November 2015 Public Health Ring-Fenced Grant Decision Notice - Public Health Ring-Fenced Grant
Adult Social Care 20 October 2015 Specialised Housing for Older People and People with Learning and Physical Disabilities – Capital Funding – Sugarbeet Site Housing Scheme, Kidderminster Decision Notice - Specialised Housing for Older People and People with Learning and Physical Disabilities – Capital Funding – Sugarbeet Site Housing Scheme, Kidderminster
Economy, Skills and Infrastructure 9 June 2015 51²èÂ¥ Parkway Regional Interchange - Amendments to Authorisation of Compulsory Purchase Order Decision Notice - 51²èÂ¥ Parkway Regional Interchange - Amendments to Authorisation of Compulsory Purchase Order
Economy, Skills and Infrastructure 24 April 2015 Approval of Proposed Revised Mineral and Waste Local Development Scheme for 51²èÂ¥ Decision Notice - Approval of Proposed Revised Mineral and Waste Local Development Scheme for 51²èÂ¥
Economy, Skills and Infrastructure 20 April 2015 Amendments to Authorisation of Compulsory Purchase Order relating to improvements to the Worcester Southern Link Road Decision Notice - Amendments to Authorisation of Compulsory Purchase Order Relating To Improvements to the Worcester Southern Link Road

Adult Social Care

Children and Families

Health and Well-being

23 March 2015 Section 75 Commissioning Partnership Arrangements with Health 2015/16

Decision Notice - Section 75 Commissioning Partnership Arrangements with Health 2015/16

Adult Social Care

Children and Families

Health and Well-being

Children and Families 18 March 2015 School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, Academic Year 2016/17 Decision Notice - School Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Schools Academic Year 2016 to 2017
Adult Social Care 16 March 2015 Council Provided Day Services for Adults With A Learning Disability: Assessment and Support Planning Assurance:

Worcester City
Malvern report 16 March 2015

Decision Notice - Council Provided Day Services for Adults With A Learning Disability: Assessment and Support Planning Assurance:

Malvern decision notice 16 March 2015

Economy, Skills and Infrastructure 2 March 2015 Recommendations on Final Detail of Phase 3 of the Southern Link Road Scheme having regard to the Public Engagement Exercise Decision Notice - Recommendations on Final Detail of Phase 3 of the Southern Link Road Scheme having regard to the Public Engagement Exercise
Adult Social Care 23 February 2015 Council Provided Day Services for Adults with a Learning Disability: Assessment and Support Planning Assurance:

Pershore and Evesham
Decision Notice - Council Provided Day Services for Adults with a Learning Disability: Assessment and Support Planning Assurance:

Pershore and Evesham
Economy, Skills and Infrastructure 28 January 2015 Recommendations on Amendments to the 51²èÂ¥ Parkway Scheme Having Regard to the Public Engagement Exercise Decision Notice - Recommendations on Amendments to the 51²èÂ¥ Parkway Scheme Having Regard to the Public Engagement Exercise
Health and Well-being 6 January 2015 Living Well

Appendix 1 - Living Well
Decision Notice - Living Well


Cabinet Member with Responsibility Expected date of Decision Report Decision Notice
Localism and Communities 23 December 2014 Mobile Libraries and Library Service At Home (LSAH) Remodelling

Appendix 5 – Proposed Mobile Library visits
Decision Notice - Mobile Libraries and Library Service At Home (LSAH) Remodelling
Adult Social Care 18 December 2014

Council Provided Day Services for Adults with a Learning Disability: Assessment and Support Planning Assurance:


Council Provided Day Services Adults with LD Assessment and Support Planning Assurance Bromsgrove
Council Provided Day Services Adults with LD Assessment and Support Planning Assurance Bromsgrove App 1
Council Provided Day Services Adults with LD Assessment and Support Planning Assurance Bromsgrove App 2

Decision Notice - Council Provided Day Services for Adults with a Learning Disability: Assessment and Support Planning Assurance:

Health and Well-Being 16 December 2014 Award of Integrated Community Alcohol and Drug recovery contract Decision Notice - Integrated Community Alcohol and Drug recovery contract
Adult Social Care 2 December 2014

Council Provided Day Services for Adults with a Learning Disability: Assessment and Support Planning Assurance:

Redditch (report):

Council Provided Day Services Adults with LD Assessment and Support Planning Assurance Redditch
Council Provided Day Services Adults with LD Assessment and Support Planning Assurance Redditch App 1
Council Provided Day Services Adults with LD Assessment and Support Planning Assurance Redditch App 2

Wyre Forest (report):

Council Provided Day Services Adults with LD Assessment and Support Planning Assurance Wyre Forest
Council Provided Day Services Adults with LD Assessment and Support Planning Assurance Wyre Forest App 1
Council Provided Day Services Adults with LD Assessment and Support Planning Assurance Wyre Forest App 2

Decision Notice - Council Provided Day Services for Adults with a Learning Disability: Assessment and Support Planning Assurance:

Wyre Forest
Adult Social Care 7 August 2014 Re-commissioning of Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services Decision Notice - Re-commissioning of Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Recovery Services
Adult Social Care 31 July 2014 Decision Notice - Council Provided Day Services for Adults with a Learning Disability: Use of Buildings (South)
Economy, Skills and Infrastructure 1 April 2014 Mitigation measures and final detail at the Ketch roundabout, Worcester Decision Notice - Ketch roundabout
Children and Families 13 March 2014 Formal Proposal to cease the Language base for Children with Language Disorders at Nunnery Wood Primary School Decision Notice - Nunnery Wood
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